Ultralight Flying In Europe

>> Monday, October 11, 2010

Ultralight Flying In Europe

How popular is ultralight flying in your area? As I am in Europe, I can mostly speak about it here. In Europe the most popular destination for ultralight flying is the United Kingdom. People in UK have a lot of flying clubs, a good market for used ultralight aircraft and a lot of traditions.

The South Europe countries also have some ultralight aviation traditions. Span for example offers very good climate and long season appropriate for ultralight flying.

I was a bit surprised to discover that there are many aviation enthusiasts in Turkey, which is not known to be a country addicted to ultralight flying.

The people in North Europe countries have less interest in ultralight flying as the climate there allows such activities only in a short period of time.

Now ultralight aviaiton just becomes popular in East Europe. As the economy situation improved there, more people started looking for adventure and leisure activities. Currently paragliding is far more popular but I am starting to see new aviation clubs to appear in East Europe so I expect to have more ultralight pilots there soon.

If you are in Europe, please share in which country you are and what are your impressions about the ultralight aviation in it.


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