My First Experience with Electric Rc Airplanes

>> Monday, October 11, 2010

My First Experience with Electric Rc Airplanes

I remember it like it wasy yesterday. It was a Saturday afternoon and my dad was telling me about a guy he had met a couple of days ago named Barnard. He said Barnard has a couple of electric rc airplanes he flies at the elementary school down the road and that if we wanted to we could come out and watch him. I didn't have anything else to do, so I agreeed to go.

Prior to this, I didn't know much about electric rc airplanes. My dad bought me one several years ago from Toys R Us, but I could never get it to fly. I would hand toss it and it would immediately go into a nosedive and crash into the ground. So I wasn't expecting much from Barnard's planes.

We arrived at the school and I met Barnard and he showed us this beaten up little plane he had. If I recall, it was called the Fire Bird. It was a fierce name for a plane that looked so beaten up. The tail wing had been replaced and was remade out of ballace wood. The nose had dents on the sides indicating it had crashed on several occassions. The wingspan was about 2 feet long and it had a funny looking propeller behind the wings. From the sight of it, I didn't think the plane would ever leave the ground.

Barnard talked to us about the electric rc airplanes he had for a few minutes and from his enthusiasm, you knew he loved flying them. Shortly after that he started the propeller and hand tossed the plane a couple of seconds later. I couldn't believe my eyes; this little beaten up plane was actually flying. At first, it was about 20 feet off the ground and it was circling us overhead, but a short time later, it was towering above the treetops. I thought this was the coolest thing ever. This little plane is actually flying. Unfortunately, after a couple of minutes of flight time, the plane crashed into a tree branch and got stuck. We had a heck of a time getting it down. We spent more time trying to get the plane out of the tree, then the plane had been in the air. But I didn't care, I was hooked. I remeber thinking these electric rc airplanes are amazing.

I knew at that moment I had to have one. I figured they must be expensive, after all, I've had rc cars that once they've gone 20 feet away from you, they no longer respond to the remote control. There's no way that electric rc airplanes that can fly as high as the treetops and 300 yards away from you are going to be cheap.


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