Ultralight Amphibious and Floats

>> Monday, October 11, 2010

Ultralight Amphibious and Floats
Isn't it exciting to have an airplane and a boat at the same time? Sure it is. But it would be not only expensive - you will need to have place for both. And not only that - think about the support cosrs, license fees, insurance and so on. It's not very wise idea to buy both an airplane and a boat unless you are really going to use them actively.

Well, there is a solution for this problem - the flying boats, called also float and ultralightb amphibians. And as you will see below, the solution is pretty simple and straightforward.

The goiod news about ultralight flying boats is that they do not cost much more thna the other ultralight airplanes and trikes. Of course, some ultralight aircraft has the floats as an option for which you have to pay more.

What's the point to have an amphibian except what was said above? Well, you can land not only on the ground, but also on water. Landing on water is an advanced procedure and only experienced pilots should try it.

Now if you are sitll unclear what exactly a flying boat (they are also called floats), I can recommend you to wantch this cool Youtube video:

If you feel excited about having an ultralight amphibious, make sure to check the license requirements in your country. In most cases you the floats will be classifieds as ultralights/microlights or experimental


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